Thursday, July 26, 2018

Quick Martha & Marley Spoon update.

I made the second meal from my Martha & Marley Spoon delivery subscription and it was really tasty.  A steak and Chimichurri with couscous-snap pea salad, pretty fancy for my kitchen.  Not as fantastic as the pork burgers but really still a good and wholesome meal.  The steak was grass fed beef, and the herbaceous chimichurri sauce  really brightened the meal up.  I would have to say that I give Martha & Marley Spoon my full recommendation to those who are looking for really quick and simple meals.  The fun thing about these delivery services is picking up new cooking skills you may not have known before.  The service claims that the meals only take 30 minutes to prepare and I took a few minutes longer but hey, no complaints, it was worth it.  Here are a few snapshots I took from dinner tonight.

Anyone else incredibly surprised that this is my second post in two days?  Because I am.